At Farmington, we love spending time with our church family. One of the ways we do that is through our fellowship groups. We use the fellowship groups to provide a place to belong, study the Bible together, and develop stronger relationships with one another. These groups are typically made up of individuals in the same season of life, but there are no set age limits for membership in any of our groups. In fact, we also highly encourage interaction between groups and provide many fellowship opportunities for the entire church family to grow together. Below, you will find a brief description of each group and some of the things they do. If you have any questions about our fellowship groups or which group you might best fit in, feel free to contact one of our group leaders (listed by each group) or our involvement and ministry staff.


This group seeks to provide fellowship for college students and others that are near college age. Eikon also has members that are beginning their careers and and may or may not be married. Since most members of Eikon do not have children or families, their activities are often planned on weekday evenings or after worship services. 

(Leaders: Todd and Katie Johnson)


This group seeks to provide fellowship for individuals, couples, and young families with children through school-age. Members are from all types of careers, education, and backgrounds. Cornerstone meets monthly for a fellowship meal, many times in the home of one of its members. Most activities are scheduled to not conflict with typical work schedules and so children can go to bed on time on school nights. 

(Leaders: Brent & Whitney Kilgore and Brandon & April Rice)


This group seeks to provide fellowship for individuals and families with pre-teen and teenage children or those recently out of the house. Nexus meets monthly for a get together. Because of how busy many within this group are, most activities are scheduled to not conflict with work and family schedules. 

(Leaders: Alonzo & Tina Pettigrew)

Steady Climbers

This group is comprised of those that are at the peak of their careers or recently retired. Most are empty-nesters and many have grandchildren. Steady Climbers have monthly get togethers and often take trips as a group. Most group activities are scheduled so as not to conflict with a typical work schedule.

(Leaders: Ed & Joan Bachman)

Golden Agers

This group is made of mostly retired individuals with grandchildren and some with great-grandchildren. Many of the widows and widowers at Farmington are members of this group, but there are plenty of married couples that claim membership in this group as well. The Golden Agers take frequent trips to various places throughout the region. They also eat lunch together at 11 AM on the first Wednesday of each month at Rick's Iron Skillet in Fayetteville. Since most members are retired, the Golden Agers activities often take place during the day in the middle of the week.

(Leaders: Wayne & Helen Carter)